DD-Tech MOOC Material

Welcome to the dedicated page for the DD-Tech: Digital Diplomacy MOOC! Here, you’ll find a collection of videos from our comprehensive online course designed to provide valuable insights into digital diplomacy. To ensure accessibility, we’ve included transcripts of each video in the languages of our project partners (Turkish, Estonian, Romanian, Italian, and Slovenian), offering wider reach and enabling learners from diverse linguistic backgrounds to fully engage with the content. Explore the videos, enhance your understanding of digital diplomacy, and enjoy learning in your preferred language!

You can register to the MOOC via link: DD-Tech MOOC

C1: Background, New Types and Features of Diplomacy

C2: Shaping the Future: Trending Technologies

C3: Innovation, Digitalization, and Digital Culture

C4: Digital Diplomacy Governance and Transformation of Institutions

C5: Common Future and Prospective Solutions via Digital Diplomacy

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